Injecting Spring beans into non-managed objects
Advantages coming from dependency injection can be addicting. It's a lot easier to configure application structure using injections than doing all resolutions manually. It's hard to resign from it when we have some non-managed classes that are instantiated outside of the container - for example being part of other frameworks like Vaadin UI components or JPA entities. The latter are especially important when we're using Domain Driven Design . During DDD training ran by Slawek Sobotka we were talking about options to remove "bad coupling" from aggregate factories. I'm sure you'll admit, that it's better to have generic mechanism able to "energize" objects by dependencies defined by e.g. @Inject annotation than inject all necessary dependencies into particular factory and then pass them into object by constructor, builder or simple setters. Spring framework brings us two different solutions to achieve such requirement. I'll now describe ...