Java 7 vs Groovy 2.1 Performance Comparison
I haven't used Groovy for 2 years, since my last touch with Grails . I get stuck in (hard)core Enterprise Java, with some performance aspects in background. I've almost missed a chance to learn Spock , but fortunately Warsaw Java User Group helped me to snap out of some legacy systems and back to normal self-development. In fact I hope that frameworks such as Spock or Geb will change approach to writing tests, by making them easier and more effective. Both frameworks use Groovy, as well as the new king in build tools - Gradle . Seeing pace how Groovy impacts our daily routines I decided to look closer at its performance, and compare it to Java 7. My test environment is based on Java 1.7.0_25 and Groovy 2.1.6. As always in such comparisons I used Caliper in version 1.0-beta-1 (almost stable) and prepared a number of (I hope) representative microbenchmarks. First benchmark based on Fork/Join framework should be most similar in both languages, because it uses some nati...